A man and his dog come back into the clinicNow that Victoria has passed the 90% vaccination milestone, we are finally emerging from the restrictions that we have lived with for almost 2 years. Spring is here, Summer is coming, and there is optimism in the air. Cafes, bars, restaurants and shops are opening, and life is starting to get back to a version of normal – albeit with some precautions.

Everyone’s patience, understanding and willingness to engage with our CarparkConsulting and ContactlessCare has helped us stay open and caring for your pets through the pandemic – so a huge thank you to you all. Pats and belly-rubs all round!

The big news from us, is that we are now able to invite you to come back into the consult room if you are double vaccinated. There is no pressure though, we are happy to carry on CarparkConsulting (where you remain in your car) if you would prefer, or if the situation calls for it. And remember that we have our awesome Outdoor Consulting Space. Plus, there is still the option for a Telehealth Consultation if you can’t come to the clinic (we can use either phone or video).

We want to care for our local community of people and animals, you and your pets, in the best way that we can. That’s what Frankston Heights is all about – so please pick up the phone, book online, drop us an email, follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook.